Saturday, June 18, 2011



मेरो गाउँको एक जना बहिनी काठमाण्डुमानै बस्थी । उनको नाम प्रिया हो र उनि २१ बर्षकी थिई । कहिलेकाँहि फोनमा कुरा हुन्थ्यो त कहिलेकाँहि भेट पनि हुन्थ्यो । एक दुई चोटी मलाई भेट्न मेरो घरमा पनि आएकि थिई । प्राय साधारण गफ गाफ मात्रै हुन्थ्यो । प्रिया बानेश्वरमा भाई र बहिनी सँग बस्थी । उसको बी. बी. एस.को परीक्षा सकेको थियो । एकदिन म अफिसमा भएको बेला प्रियाको फोन आयो । मैले के छ ! कसो छ ? भनि हालखबर सोँधे । सबै राम्रै रहेको जानकारी गराईन । उनका भाई र बहिनी कामको सिलसिलामा गाउँ गएको बताई । अनि मैले सोँधे “एक्लै बस्नु डर लाग्दैन ?” उनले “लाग्दैन” भन्ने छोटो जवाफ दिई । उनले “मेरो मोवाईलको व्यालेन्स सकियो , यता १०० को रिचार्ज कार्ड नै पाईन , सक्नु हुन्छ भने ल्याईदिनु होस न !” भनि । मैले पनि “अफिसको काम सकेर लिएर आउँला” भनि जवाफ दिए । करिव ३ बजे तिर सबै काम सकिओरी म मोटरसाईकल लिएर निस्के । वाटोमा १०० को रिचार्ज कार्ड र २ प्याकेट चिप्स किनेर म प्रियाको डेरा तिर लागे । गेटमा मोटरसाईकल रोकेर उनलाई मिस कल गरे , उनि ढोका खोल्न आई । भर्खर नुहाएर बसेकी रहिछन , कपाल चिसै र खुल्लै थियो । म सरासर उसको पछि पछि कोठा तिर लागे र चिप्सको झोला र रिचार्ज कार्ड उनलाई दिए । “बस्दै गर्नुहोस है , म चिया पकाएर ल्याउँछु ” भन्दै उनि किचन तिर लागि । एक छिन कोठामै बसे र पिसाब फेर्न भनि म ट्वाईलेट तिर छिरे । पिसाब फेर्दै चारैतिर हेरे , उनले भर्खर खोलेर सुकाएको हरियो पेन्टी देखे । खोई मलाई के भयो भयो , उनको पेन्टी हातमा लिएर सुँघ्न थाले । कस्तो बासना आयो आयो मेरो लाडो त ठनक्क भएर आयो । मलाई खपि नसक्नु भयो र मैले त्यँही छोलिदिए ( हस्ते हाने )। त्यसपछि म बाहिर निस्के र किचन तिर छिरे । उनी चिया गिलासमा राख्दै थिई । म उनको छेउमा बसेर हेरि रहेको थिए । “के हेर्नु भएको ?” भन्दै मलाइ उनको कण्डोले धक्का दिई । मैले पनि “केहि होईन , चिया कसरी बनाउछ भनेर हेरेको नि” भन्दै उनीलाई मेरो कण्डोले धक्का दिए । “जाऊँ कोठामै बसेर चिया खाउँ” भनि र म पछि पछि कोठा तिर लागे । कोठामा बसेर टी. भी. हेर्दै चिया खान थाल्यौ । म बढी SPORTS CHANNEL हेर्ने भएकोले रिमोट हातमा लिएर च्यानल बदल्न थाले । बदल्दै गर्दा FASHION TV आयो र एकछिन हेरे । त्यहा केटिहरु दुधको पोका प्रष्टै देखिने पातलो लुगा लगाएर फेशन शो गर्दै थिए । “छ्या , कस्तो च्यानल हेरेको , अर्को लाउनु ” भनेर उनले रिमोट खोस्न खोजि । मैले हतार हतार रिमोट अर्को हातमा लिएर भने “के को छ्या नि , कहिले काँहि हेर्नु पर्छ ।” उनी मनिनन् र जबरजस्ती रिमोट खोस्न थाली । यतिकैमा म खाटमा थिए उनी मेरो माथी थिई । मैले बिस्तारै उनको कम्मरमा काउकुति लगाईदिए । धेरै काउकुति लाग्ने रहेछ । मैले “खोई काउकुति त मजाले लाग्ने रहेछ , फेरि लगाउँ” भनि उनको घाँटी तिर छोए । प्रिया हाँस्न थाली । मौका यहि हो भनेर उनलाई काउकुति लाउन थाले । लाउँदा लाउँदै उनको दुधको पोकामा छोए । केहि नभनि हाँसि मात्र रहि । “के खोज्छस् कानो , आँखो” जस्तै भयो र मैले उनलाई काउकुति लाउने बहानामा उनको दुध तिर छुन थाले । उसलाइ पनि मजा आउन थालेछ , चुपचाप बसि रहि । मेरो लाडो ठन्किन थालि सकेको थियो । कति खेर चिकौ चिकौ हुन थाल्यो तर डर पनि लागि रहेको थियो । यतिकैमा मैले उनलाई अङ्गालोमा हाले र निधारमा चुम्बन गरे । मेरा दुई हात हरू प्रियाको दुधको पोका माड्नमा व्यस्त थियो । बिस्तारै निधारमा चुम्बन गर्न छाडेर उनको ओँठमा चुम्बन गरे । ओँठहरु चुस्न थाले । प्रिया पनि शिथिल हुन थालि । उनलाई काखमा राखेर टि-शर्ट बाहिर बाटै दुधको पोका माड्न थाले । केहि छिन पछि उनको टि-शर्ट खोलि दिए । ब्राको हुक खोलेर दुध माड्न थाले । भर्खरको केटीको दुध कति राम्रो हुँदो रहेछ । सानो-सानो मुण्टा , ठिक्क हातमा अटाउने पोका । साह्रै आनन्द महसुस भई रहेको थियो । त्यस पछि मैले प्रियालाई खाटमा सुताए र उनको नाङ्गो शरीर हेर्न थाले । उनी आँख चिम्लेर चुपचाप पल्टि रहिन । त्यस पछि उनको ब्रा पनि खोलिदिए अनि दुध चुस्न थालेँ । “आहहहह , आहहहहहह” कराउन थालि । प्रियाको दुईटै दुधको पोका करिब १० मिनट जति चुसि रहे । मलाई चिक्न मन लागिसकेको थियो । भर्खरको केटीको पुती कस्तो होला भन्ने उत्सुकता जाग्यो र मैले मेरो हात उनको पुती तिर लगे । “नाई यो भन्दा धेरै नगर्ने ” प्रियाले भनि । “ल ल , अरु केहि पनि नगर्ने , छुन्छु मात्रै ल ” भन्दै उनको पाईन्ट भित्र हात हाले । नरम नरम भुत्लाले भरिएको उनको पुतीमा हात पुर्याए । पुती त पुरै भिजी सकेको रहेछ । मैले दुईटा औलाले प्रियाको टीसी खेलाई दिन थाले । अब उसलाई पनि खपि नसक्नु भएछ र मेरो हात निकाल्दै भनि “भयो अब, यस्तो गर्नु हुन्न । प्लिज !!!” मैले पनि हुन्छ भने र फेरि दुधको पोका माड्न र चुस्न थाले । केहि छिन पछि हामी उठ्यौ र उनको ब्राको हुक लगाई दिएँ र “कपाल र कपडा मिलाउ” भने । घडी हेरेको त ६ बज्न लागि सकेछ । “प्रिया अब म जान्छु है , पछि फेरि भेटौला” भने । उनि मलाई अङ्गालो मार्न आई र मलाई चुम्बन गर्न थालि । मैले पनि फेरि कपडा बाहिर बाटै दुध माड्दै चुम्बन गर्न थाले । ३-४ मिनेट पछि हामी छुट्टियौ र म आफ्नो झोला बोकि बाहिर निस्कन थाले । उनि पछि पछि मलाई ढोका सम्म पुर्याउन आई । मायालु नजर र अतृप्त भावनाले मलाई प्रियाले बिदा गरिन । गर पुगेर प्रियाको दुध र पुती सम्झिदै ३ पटक छोले र आफ्नो काम तिर लागे ।


साथीहरू , आज म मेरो जीवनको पहिलो सेक्स अनुभव यहाँ राख्न गई रहेको छु ।

मेरो नाम ललित हो । म हाल ३३ बर्षको भए । कुरा आज भन्दा झण्डै १७-१८ बर्ष अगाडीको हो , म आफ्नो एस. एल. सी. परीक्षा सकेर कलेज पढ्नको लागि काठमाण्डु तिर लागे । काठमाण्डुमा दाजु भाउजुको घर थियो । म त्यँही बस्न थाले । एस. एल. सी. को रिजल्ट आई नसकेको हुनाले खाली समय बिताउन ENGLISH LANGUAGE सिक्न थाले । पाटनको एउटा ईन्स्टिच्युटमा भर्ना भएँ । विहान ७ बजे देखि १० बजे सम्म कक्षा हुन्थ्यो र दिन भरी घरमा नै बस्थे । गाउँ बाट आएको हुनाले शहरी जीवन बिताउन गाह्रो भई रहेको थियो । दु:ख सुख यसरी नै दिनहरू विताउँदै थिए । २ महिना जति बित्यो होला , एक दिन म आफ्नो कक्षा सकेर घर पुगे । त्यहाँ एक जान केटीलाई देखे । भाउजुले मलाई उनी सँग परिचय गराईदिनु भयो , उनी भाउजुको आफन्त रहिछन् । उनको नाम सुशिला रहेछ । करिब १५-१६ बर्षकी थिईन उनि । दुब्ली तर राम्री । पहिलो भेटमा त मुसुक्क मात्रै हाँसिन । एक दिन मैले उनीलाई काठमाण्डु आउनुको कारण सोँधे , र भनिन , “गाउँमा राम्रो क्याम्पस छैन , अनि यतै पढ्न आएको ।”

बिस्तारै दिनहरू बित्न थाल्यो । हाम्रो एस. एल. सी. को रिजल्ट पनि आयो । म FIRST DIVISION मा पास भएछु र सुशिला चाँहि SECOND DIVISION मा पास भईछन् । हामी दुबै जना खुशि थियौ । अब कुन क्याम्पस पढ्ने भन्ने तिर कुरा हुन थाल्यो । मैले चाँहि पाटन क्याम्पस मा साईन्स पढ्न भर्ना गरे र सुशिलाले चाँहि कमर्स पढ्न । हामी बिच अब धेरै कुरा हुन थालि सकेको थियो । भोलि देखि क्याम्पस जानु पर्ने हुनाले बेलुका छिटै खाना खाने निधो गर्यौ र खाना खाई सके पछि सुशिला र म मेरो कोठामा बसेर गफ गर्न थाल्यौ । करिब १० बजे तिर उ आफ्नो कोठा तिर सुत्न गई । बिहान उ पहिला उठ्ने गर्थि र मलाई उठाउँथि । अनि नित्य कर्म सकि चिया र खाजा खाएर हामी ६ बजे तिर कलेज लाग्थ्यौ । बाटो भरि गफ गर्दै क्याम्पस पुग्थयौ र आ-आफ्नो पढाई तिर लाग्थ्यौ । ११ बजे तिर फेरि भेट हुन्थ्यो र हामी घर फर्कन्थ्यौ । यसरीनै दिन हरू बित्न थाले ।

एक रात म ११ बजे तिर ब्युँझे र ट्वाईलेट गए । ट्वाईलेटबाट बाहिर निस्केर कोठा तिर जाँदै थिए , सुशिलाको कोठाम बत्ती बली रहेको देँखे । मैले उसको ढोका बाट चिहाएर हेरे , सुशिला त नसुति खाटमा बसि रहेको रहिछन । अनि म उनको कोठामा छिरे र सोधेँ , “के भयो सुशिला , किन नसुतेको ?” उनले भनिन , “खोई निद्रै लागेन , कता कता डर लागि रहेको छ । किन हो किन ? तपाईलाई अप्ठ्यारो हुँदैन भने एक छिन म सँग बस्नुहोस न ल ।” मैले हुन्छ भने र उनको खाटमा खुट्टा तिर बसे । उनि शिरक ओढेर बसि रहेकी थिईन् । मौसम चिसो चिसो भएकोले मलाई पनि अलि जाडो महसुस भई रहेको थियो । उनीले थाहा पाईछन क्यार , उनले भनिन , “तपाईलाई जाडो भए जस्तो छ , शिरक ओढ्नुहोस न ।” मैले “हुन्छ” भने अनि उनको छेउमा बसेर शिरक ओढे । म कहिले पनि केटि सँग यसरी बसेको थिईन । मलाई अलि अप्ठ्यारो महसुस हुन थाल्यो । दुबैजना चुप चाप बसि रहेको थियौ , अचानक सुशिलाले मलाई अङ्गालो हालि र मेरो छातीमा टाउको राखेर सुकसुकाउन थालि । मैले “के भयो ?” भनेर सोँधे । उनले “घरको , आमा – बुवाको , भाई – बहिनीको धेरै याद आयो ” भनि । त्यस पछि मैले पनि उनलाई अङ्गालो हाले र उनको ढाँडमा हात ले सुमसुम्याउन थाले । केहि बेरमा मलाई पनि असह्य भयो र उनको ओठमा चुम्बन गर्न थाले । उनी पनि मलाई चुम्बन गर्न थाली । उनको ओँठ बिस्तारै चुस्न थाले र मेरो जिब्रो ले उनको जिब्रो खेलाईदिन थाले । उनी स्वाँ – स्वाँ गर्दै लामो लामो सास फेर्न थाली । बिस्तारै बिस्तारै उनको शरीर शिथील हुँदै गयो । त्यस पछि मैले बिस्तारै मेरो हात उनको दुधको पोका तिर सार्न थाले । टि-शर्ट बाहिर बाटै दुधको पोका र मुण्टा माड्न थालेँ । शुरुमा त डर लागि रहेको थियो , रिसाउने पो हो कि भनेर , तर मेरो कामको कुनै प्रतिकार नगरेको हुनाले मैले पनि साहस गरेर बिस्तारै उनको टि-शर्ट खोल्न खोजे । तर पनि केहि भनिनन् र मैले उनको पुरै टि-शर्ट खोलि दिए । अब उनको दुधको पोकालाई केवल रातो ब्रा ले मात्रै छोपेको थियो । ब्रा बाहिर बाटै मैले उनको दुधको पोका माड्न थाले । त्यस पछि बिस्तारै ब्रा को हुक पनि खोलिदए र टेबल तिर फ्याँकिदए । अब उनको छाति को भाग पुरै नाङ्गो थियो । मैले बिस्तारै उनी तिर हेरे , उनि आँखा बन्द गरेर चुपचाप बसीरहेकी थिईन । अब सुशिलाको दुईटै दुधको पोका मेरो हाथमा थियो । मैले बिस्तारै बिस्तारै दुधको मुण्टा माड्न थाले । उनि सुस्केरा लिन थालिन । एकछिन हातले खेलाए पछि उनको मुण्टो चुस्न थाले , बिस्तारै टोकिदिए । “आईय्या , दुख्यो ।” भनेर कराउन थालि । फेरि हातैले खेलाउन थाल्यो । यता मेरो लाडो पनि ठन्किसकेको थियो । जीवनमा पहिलो पटक मैले यस्तो अनुभव गरेको थिए । जे होस साथीहरूसँग कहिले काँहि BLUE FILM हेर्ने गरेकोले अलि अलि आईडिया थियो । त्यस पछि मैले सुशिलाको पाईन्ट तिर हात लगे र उनको पुती खेलाउन खोजे । तर जिन्सको पाईन्ट भएकोले राम्ररी छुन सकिन । अनि बिस्तारै पाईन्टको बटन खोल्न थाले । तर सुशिलाले “नाई ! पाईन्ट नखोल्नु न ” भनि । तैपनि म मानिन र जबरजस्ती खोल्न थाले । “केहि पनि हुन्न क्या , एक छिन त हो नि । नत्र भए म तिमी सँग बोल्दिन नि !” मैले भने । त्यस पछि सुशिला केहि बोलिनन् । बिस्तारै पाईन्टको बटन र चेन खोलिदिएँ र पाईन्ट फुकालिदिए । सुशिलाले रातो पेन्टी लाएको रहेछ । यसो पुती तिर हात लगेको त हातनै चिसो भयो । अनि मैले सोधे , “पेन्टीमा मुतेको हो ?” उनि लजाउँदै भनिन , “कहाँ हुनु , आफै पानी झरेको नि । केटीहरूको त पानी झर्छ नि , थाहा छैन ? ” “ए हो र !” मैले भने । अनि पेन्टी पनि खोलिदिएँ । जिन्दगीमा पहिलो पटक मैले कसैको पुती यसरी हेर्न पाएको थिए । कालो भुत्ला वरिपरि अनि बिचमा रसाएको सानो पुती , कति लोभ लाग्दो थियो । BLUE FILM को सिन सम्झन थाले र उनको पुती भित्र औला हालिदिए । “आह!!! – आह!!!” भन्दै सुशिला कराउन थालि । मलाई पनि खपि नस्क्नु भएर आयो । मैले पनि मेरो पाईन्ट र कट्टु खोले र उनको हात मेरो लाडोमा राखिदिए । “ओहो ! कस्तो कडा भएको ? कति मोटो ?” सुशिलाले भनिन । अनि मैले सोधे “तिमीले अरुको पनि लाडो देखेको थियौ पहिला ?” “केटा केटीहरूको त सानो हुन्छ त ।” सुशिलाले भनिन । “त्यो त हो नि , तर उमेर बढ्दै गए पछि लाडो पनि त ठुलो हुँदै जान्छ नि त । ” मैले भने । त्यस पछि म सुशिलाको माथि चढे र उनको पुतीमा मेरो लाडो छिराउन खोजे । शायद पहिलो पटक भएकोले होला , घरि यता – घरि उता चिप्लिन थाल्यो । पुतीमा छिरे-नछिरेको थाहा नै पाउन सकिन । अनि सोधेँ ,”भित्र छिर्यो ?” “छैन ।” सुशिलाले भनिन् । त्यस पछि मैले उनको खुट्टा फाट्न लगाए अनि हातले मेरो लाडो उसको पुतीको मुखमा राखे र बिस्तारै छिराउन खोजे । अहिले चाँहि छिरेछ , “आईय्या ! दुख्यो ! पोल्यो ! निकाल्नु न ।” भनेर सुशिला कराउन थालि । मलाई पनि डर लाग्यो र लाडो बाहिर निकाले । BLUE FILM मा थुक लगाएको देखेको थिए , अनि लाडोमा थुक दले र फेरि बिस्तारै छिराउन थाले । लाडो अलि चिप्लो भएछ क्यार सजिलै सित सुशिलाको पुतीमा छिर्यो । सुशिला बिस्तारै बिस्तारै कराउन छाडी , अनि मैले पनि बिस्तारै बिस्तारै मेरो लाडोलाई भित्र बाहिर गर्न थाले । अब त सजिलै सँग छिर्न थाल्यो । यसो पुतीमा हेरेको त अलि अलि रगत पनि आई रहेको देखे र सेतो पानी पनि झरेको देखे । शायद सुशिलाको पुतीबाट पानी झरेकोले गर्दा होला , मेरो लाडो सजिलै पुतीमा छिर्न थाल्यो । पहिलो पटक कुनै केटीलाई मैले यसरी चिक्दै थिए । करिब ३-४ मिनेट चिके पछि म छाँगाबाट झरे जस्तो भए र मेरो लाडोबाट माल झर्यो । म शिथील भए र मेरो लाडो पनि नरम हुन थाल्यो । अनि म फेरि सुशिलाको दुध चुस्न थाले र सोधे , “सुशिला , कस्तो महसुस भयो ?” सुशिलाले रुन्चे स्वरमा भनिन , “रमाईलो भयो , तर अलि अलि पुती पोलिरहेको छ । मजा आयो ।” मैले भने , “पहिलो पटक यस्तै हो , फेरि गर्दा दुख्दैन । अब फेरि भोलि पनि गर्ने ल ! ” उनले “हुन्छ” भनि र म खाटबाट उठे अनि कपडा लगाउन थाले । सुशिलाले पनि लुगा लगाईन । “रात धेरै बितेछ , अब सुतौ ल !” मैले भने र उनलाई एकपटक ओठमा चुम्बन गरि म आफ्नो कोठातिर लागे ।


१०-१२ बर्ष अगाडीको कुरा हो , धरान , बिराटनगर , ईटहरीतिर त्यति बेला क्याबिन रेष्टुरेण्टहरू त्यति खुलेका थिएनन् । एकदिन मेरो साथी रबिनले मलाई “एकजना मान्छे भेट्नु छ , ईटहरीतिर जाउँ” भन्यो । मेरो पनि काम नभएकोले “हुन्छ” भने र उसको मोटरसाईकलमा बसे र हामी ईटहरीतिर लाग्यौ । ईटहरीमा रबिनको मान्छे भेट्यौ र १ घण्टाजति कुराकानी सकेपछि हामि छुट्टियौ । “अलि भोक लागे जस्तो भयो , जाऊँ यसो सेकुवा खान” रबिनले मलाई भन्यो र हामी ईटहरीको पश्चिम बस स्टेण्ड तिर लाग्यौ । त्यँहा लहरै सेकुवा पसल थियो र हामी एउटा पसलमा छिर्यौ । हामीले २ प्लेट सेकुवा र १ क्वाटर जीन मगायौ । पसलको साहुनी अलि मोटी र पाको उमेरको थिई । रबिन त पहिला पनि त्यहाँ आई राख्ने रहेछ , साहुनी ले “के छ हालखबर” भनेर सोधी । “सबै ठिकै छ , यसो भोक लागेर आएको नि खाजा खान” साथिले भन्यो । केहि छिन पछि २ प्लेट सेकुवा र जीन बोकेर साहुनी आईन र टेबलमा राखेर गईन । भोक लागेकोले धमाधम सेकुवा र जीन खान थाल्यौ । “केटी चिक्ने हो? ” रबिनले मलाई सोध्यो । म त अकमक्क परे र भने “के भनेको यार ? दिउँसै चिक्ने ? कहाँ छन केटी ?” रबिन हाँस्दै भन्न थाल्यो ” तिमी चिक्छु मात्रै भनन , म व्यवस्था गरिदिन्छु ।” मैले “मिल्छ भने चिकौनत” भने । अनि साथीले साहुनीलाई बोलाई र भनि “अनि साहुनी , मेरो साथीलाई काँचो मासु पनि खान मन छ रे , यसो व्यवस्था गरिदिनु पर्यो ।” साहुनी हाँस्दै भन्न थाली ” ए हो र ! भई हाल्छ नि । कलिलो मासु खाने कि , छिप्पिएको मासु खाने ?” मैले त कुरै बुझिन र सोधे “के भनेको यार ?” रबिन मुसुक्क हाँस्दै ” बिहा नगरेको केटी चिक्ने कि बिहा गरेको आईमाई चिक्ने? ” भन्यो । मैले पनि लजाई लजाई “कलिलै खाउँ न त त्यसो भए” भने । साहुनीले कुरा बुझिछ र “एकै छिन है” भन्दै बाहिर निस्की ।
करीब १०-१५ मिनेट पछि साहुनी १ जना केटि लिएर भित्र छिरी । “ल यहि बहिनी हो , कुरा मिलाउनु” भन्दै केटीलाई हाम्रो क्याबिनमा छोडेर साहुनी बाहिर लागी । “ल सोल्टिनी , मेरो साथीलाई काँचो मासु खानु मन लाग्यो रे , के कति हो दाम मिलाउ ।” रबिनले भन्यो । “मलाई ५०० दिनु र लजको २५० लाग्छ , हुन्छ ?” केटीले भनि । “मेरो साथीको FIRST TIME हो क्या , एकै छिन मा झारिहाल्छ होला, ५०० सय अलि धेरै भयो ३०० मा हुन्छ ?” रबिनले भन्यो । केटीले मलाई हेरी र भनि “त्यसो हो भने ४०० दिनु नि त ।” मोलतोल हुँदा ३५० मा कुरा मिल्यो र केटी मेरो छेउमा बसि । ओहो , केटीले जीन र चुरोट खाएको देखेर त म हैरान भए । लाग्थ्यो कि उनी रक्सी र चुरोट निकै खान्थी । करीब १५ मिनेट जति खाई सकेपछि , केटी मेरो काखमा आएर बसी र भनि ” दाई त निकै हेण्डसम हुनु हुँदो रहेछ , नाम के हो तपाईको ?” मैले “मेरो नाम ललित हो , तिम्रो नाम के हो नि ?” भने । ” उर्मिला” भनिन । मेरो काखमा बसेकीले मेरो लाँडो पनि ठन्कि सकेको थियो , उनले थाहा पाईछन र भनि “ओहो , दाईको माल त निकै ठुलो जस्तो छ नि , मेरो कण्डोमा घोँच्यो ।” सबैजना गलल हाँस्यौ । “अब जाउँ न त लज तिर , अनि फेरि आएर खाउँला ” भन्दै उर्मिला उठ्न थालि । म उर्मिलाको पछि पछि लागे । त्यही सेकुवा पसलको माथि नै लज रहेछ । लजको काउण्टरमा गएर उनले कोठाको चाबि लिई र मैले २५० रूपैया तिरे । मलाई चाबि सँगै काउण्टरको मान्छले एउटा कण्डोम पनि दियो । म त अचम्म परे तैपनि केहि नभए जस्तो गरि कण्डोम गोजिमा हाले र कोठा तिर लागे । कोठा नं. २०४ मा छिर्यौ । कोठा सानो र एउटा मात्रै खाट थियो । “बत्ति बाल्नु र ढोका लक गरिदिनु ल” उर्मिलाले भनि । बत्ति बालेर ढोका बन्द गरेर यसो फर्के को त , उर्मिला सबै कपडा खोलि ओरि नाङ्गै खाटम बसि सकेकी रहिछ । मलाई कता कता लाज लाग्यो र उ सँगै छेउमा बसे । “छिटो लुगा खोल्नुहोस न , सेकुवा खान जानु पर्छ क्या ” उर्मिलाले भनि । मैले पनि सबै लुगा खोले र खाटमा बसे । उनलाई नियालेर हेरे , दुधको पोका सानो सानो थियो र पुती वरीपरी भुत्लै भुत्ला । “दाईको लाडो त मजाको रहेछ नि , कत्रो मोटो र ठुलो । बिस्तारै चिक्नु ल , मलाई दुख्छ ।” “हुन्छ” भन्दै म उसको माथि चढे । उसको दुधको पोका माड्दै , चुस्दै मेरो लाडो उसको पुतीको मुख मा लगे । लाडो हातले समातेर पुतीको दुलोमा राखे र बिस्तारै ठेले । “आईय्या दुख्यो , बिस्तारै हाल्नु न ” उर्मिलाले भनि । हुन पनि लाडो छिर्नै सकेको थिएन । एकछिन उनको पुती औलाले खेलाईदिन थाले , उनि ” आहह आहह” गर्न थाली । पुतीबाट पानी झरेकोले गर्दा मेरो औलाहरु च्याप च्याप भयो । “अब छिर्छ होला” भने र फेरि लाडो हातले समातेर उर्मिलाको पुतीनिर राखे र ठेले । मेरो लाडो उनको पुतीमा स्वात्तै छिर्यो । “आहहहह” उर्मिला सुस्केरा हाल्न थाली । म बिस्तारै बिस्तारै उनको पुतीमा चिक्न थाले । शुरुमा बिस्तारै चिक्दै गए , केहिछिन मा कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । उर्मिलालाई पनि मजा आउन थालेछ , उ पनि तलबाट उफ्रिन थाली । मलाई च्याप्प समाउँदै , मेरो गालामा चुम्बन गर्दै “अलि भित्र सम्म हाल्नुन , मजा आईरहेको छ । आज धेरै मजा आयो ।” उर्मिला भन्न थाली । मैले पनि मेरो स्पीड बढाए । उनको खुट्टा फारेर मेरो काँधमा राखे र कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । “आहह उहहहह आहहह उहहह” उर्मिला कराउन थाली । केटीले पनि तलबाट धक्का दिएकोले मलाई पनि चिक्न मजा आईरहेको थियो । पहिलो पल्ट वास्तविक चिकाईको अनुभव मैले गरि रहेको थिए । २०-२५ मिनेट जनि चिके पछि मेरो पनि माल झर्न आँट्यो र मैले भने ” उर्मिला मेरो त झर्न लाग्यो ?” “पुती भित्र नझार्नु ल , बाहिर निकालेर झार्नु ” उर्मिलाले भनि , मैले मेरो लाँडो बाहिर निकाले । उनको पेटमा मैले मेरो लाडोबाट सेतो माल झारिदिए । उर्मिला आखा चिम गरेर पल्टिरहेकी थिईन । एकछिन पछि उर्मिला उठिन र म पनि उठे र तन्नाले आफ्नो शरीर सफा गर्न थाली । मैले पनि तन्नालेनै मेरो लाडो सफा गरे र लुगा लाउन थाले । उर्मिला पनि लुगा लगाएर तयार भई सकेकी थिईन । “आज धेरै मजा दिनु भयो , फेरि पनि आउनु होस ल । एकदमै रमाईलो गरि चिक्नु भयो तपाईले त । अर्को चोटि २ पल्ट चिक्नु होला, तर पैस २५० मात्रै दिए पुग्छ ।” मैले पनि हुन्छ भने । उर्मिलालाई ३०० रुपैया दिएँ र हामी तल सेकुवा पसल तिर झर्यौ । साथी रबिन एक्लै बसि रहेको थियो । हामी फेरि सँगै बसेर सेकुवा र जीन खान थाल्यौ ।


मैले दुध चुसेको गाउँले बहिनीको बारेमा तपाईहरू समक्ष त राखी सके , हो त्यही बहिनी सँग बेला बेला मा भेट भई रहन्थ्यो । एक दिन म अफिस मै बसी रहेको थिएँ , मेरो मोबाईलको घण्टी बज्यो । यसो हेरेको त उही बहिनीले फोन गरेकी रहेछ । मैले “हेल्लो !” भने , उनले ” तपाई कहाँ हो ?” भनेर सोधी । “म अफिसमा नै हो ।” भने । “कति बजे निस्कनु हुन्छ ” उनले सोधी । ” ५:३० हुन्छ होला , किन ?” मैले सोधे । “म अहिले बाहिर छु , तपाईको अफिस तिर आउँ कि भनेर नि! ” “हुन्छ, आउन । म बसि रहन्छु । ” मैले भने । अफिसको काम गर्दा गर्दै ५ बजि सकेछ । “नमस्ते दाई” भन्दै प्रिया अफिसमा आई पुगी । मैले पनि नमस्कार फर्काए । केहि छिन कुरा गर्यौ । मेरा अफिसका साथीहरू पनि घर जाने तरखर गर्न थाले । म पनि आफ्नो सामानहरू मिलाउन थाले । “ल अब जाऔ” भन्दै सबैजना निस्कन थाल्यौ । प्रियालाई मेरो मोटरसाईकलमा राखे र हामी सबै जना छुट्टियौ । “कहाँ जाने ?” प्रियाले सोधिन । “अलि भोक लागेको छ , यसो खाजा खाउन ” भन्दै मोटरसाईकल सुन्धारा तिर लगे । त्यहाँ एउटा होटल अगाडि रोके र खाजा खान भित्र छिर्यौ । मैले बफ मो मो र उनले भेज चाउमीन अडर गरिन । केही क्षण पछि मो मो र चाउमीन लिएर वेटर भाई आई पुग्यो र हामी खाजा खान थाल्यौ । मैले सुनेको थिए सुन्धाराको होटल तिर चिक्नलाई लजको कोठा पाईन्छ भनेर , त्यसैले पिसाब फेर्ने बहानामा टेबलबाट उठे र काउण्टर तिर लागे । त्यँहा बस्ने भाईलाई “भाई यहाँ लजको पनि ब्यवस्था छ ?” भनेर सोधे । “छ दाजु, १-२ घण्टालाई हो भने रूम चार्ज ३००/- पर्छ ।” भाईले भन्यो । मैले पनि “हुन्छ नि त , कोठा देखाउन त ।” भने । “रामे , दाईलाई रुम नम्बर ३१५ देखाईदेउत ” उसले काम गर्ने केटालाई बोलाउँदै भन्यो । “जाउँ दाई ” भन्दै काम गर्ने केटाले मलाई बोलायो । म पनि उसको पछि पछि लागे । तेस्रो तल्लामा पुगे पछि कोठा नम्बर ३१५ को ढोका खोल्दै “यहि हो दाई कोठा ” भन्दै उ फर्किन लाग्यो । मैले त्यो भाई लाई ५०/- को नोट दिदै “धन्यबाद भाई ” भने । यसो कोठा हेरे, सफै थियो । अनि ढोका बन्द गरेर फेरि प्रिया भएको तिर लागे । “किन ढिलो” प्रियाले भनि । “यसो आराम गर्ने कोठा हेरेर आएको नि , जाउँ माथि कोठामै बसेर एकछिन आराम गरौ । ” प्रिया मेरो पछि पछि आई ।

कोठामा पुगेर हामी भित्र छिर्यौ अनि मैले ढोका बन्द गरे । प्रिया खाटमा बसि र म पनि उसको छेउमा बसे । मैले बिस्तारै उनलाई अङ्गालो मा हाले र किस गर्न थाले । उनले पनि केहि भनिनन् । बिस्तारै मैले उनको दुधको पोका बाहिर बाटै माड्न थाले । उनी आँखा चिम्लेर चुपचाल बसि रहिन । मेरो लाँडो ठन्केर आउन थालि सकेको थियो । बिस्तारै मैले उनको टी-शर्ट खोल्न थाले । उनले “नाई नखोल्नु न” भनि । मैले उनको कुरा नसुनेझै गरेर टी-शर्ट खोलि दिए । उसको ब्रा पनि खोलि दिए । दुधको मुण्टो चुस्न थाले । एक छिन पछि उसको पाईन्ट पनि खोलि दिए । उसको रातो पेन्टीलाई मलाई झन सनक्क बनायो । मैले त्यो पनि खोलिदिए । अब प्रिया नाङ्गै थिई । त्यस पछि मैले पनि मेरो सबै लुगा खोले । बिस्तारै किस गर्दै मैले मेरो हात उसको पुतीमा लगे र भुत्ला खेलाउन थाले । ओहो , उसको पुती त कति मजाको रहेछ , भुक्क फुलेको , पाउरोटी जस्तै । मलाई के भयो के भयो , हतार हतार उसलाई खाटमा सुताए र उसको पुती नियालेर हेर्न थाले । अहिले सम्म कसैले नचिकेको , हेर्दै टाईट पुती । अनि बिस्तारै उसको टीसी खेलाई दिन थाले । उनी त कराउन थाली “आहहहहहह, ओहहहहह” अनि मैले सोधे “के भयो ?” “केहि पनि भएको छैन , अलि अलि डर लागि रहेको छ ” उनले भनि । “तिमीलाई मजा आई रहेको छ कि छैन ?” मैले सोधे । “आई रहेको छ ” उनले भनि । ५-१० मिनेट जति उसको टीसी खेलाए । उसले पुतीबाट पानी निकाल्न थाली । मेरो पुरै औला नै च्याप च्याप भयो । अनि मैले बिस्तारै मेरो लाडोलाई उनको पुतीमा हाल्न थाले । “ऐया , दुख्यो , नगर्नुहोस न ।” उनी कराउन थाली । “तिम्रो यो पहिलो चोटी हो प्रिया ?” मैले सोधे । “हो” उनले भनि । साँच्चै हुनु पनि हो , यस्तो टाईट पुती देखेर मेरो पनि होश हराएको थियो । “ठिकै छ, म बिस्तारै चिक्छु नि , शुरूमा अलि अलि दुख्छ , पछि केहि हुन्न ।” मैले भने र उ चुपचाप बसी । अनि मैले बिस्तारै मेरो लाडो उसको पुतीमा छिराउन थाले । पुतीमा छिराउनै गाह्रो भयो मलाई । तै पनि मैले बिस्तारै बिस्तारै ठेल्न थाले । उनी “ऐया, दुख्यो , बिस्तारै” कराउन थाली । पुतीमा नछिरेको ले मैले मेरो औलाले उसको पुती खेलाउन थाले । कहिले टीसी त कहिले पुती भित्र औला चलाउन थाले । उनी “आहहहह, अमममम, ओहहहहहहह, सिसिसिसिस” कराउन थाली । फेरी उनको पुतीमा पानी नै पानी भयो र अब त छिर्छ होला भनेर फेरि लाडो लगेर पुतीनिर राखे र बिस्तारै ठेल्न थाले । बिस्तारै बिस्तारै गरेरे अब आधि जति लाडो छिराए । “दुखि रहेको छ प्रिया ?” मैले सोधे । “अलि अलि” उनले भनि । त्यस पछि मैले लाडो लाई अझ भित्र सम्म ठेले । “ऐया, दुख्यो” भन्दै उनले मलाई ठेलि । मेरो लाडो स्वात्तै बाहिरै निस्कियो । प्रियाको आखा भरि आँशु देखे र मैले उसलाई फेरि किस गर्न थाले । यसो लाडो तिर हेरेको त रगत नै रगत देखे । प्रियाको पुती मा पनि रगतै रगत थियो । मैले हतार हतार मेरो रुमालले उसको पुती र मेरो लाँडो पुछे अनि उसलाई अङ्गालो हालेर दुध माड्दै चुस्न थाले । करिब ५-१० मिनेट पछि , फेरि उसलाई खाटमा सुताए र चिक्न थाले । अहिले अलि दुख्न छाडेछ क्यार कराउन छाडि । त्यसपछि मैले मेरो चिकाईको स्पीड पनि बढाउन थाले । बिस्तारै बिस्तारै कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । उनलाई पनि अब त मजा आए जस्तो छ उनि पनि आखा चिम्लेर सहेर बस्न थाली । पुती धेरै टाईट भएकोले गर्दा होला , चिक्न धेरै नै मजा आई रहेको थियो । वास्तविक चिकाईको मजा आज आई रहेको थियो । मेरो लाडो उसको पुती बाट निकाले र उसलाई घोप्टो पारे । कुकुरले चिकेको जस्तै गरेर उसको खुट्टा फार्न लगाएर बिस्तारै उसको पुतीमा लाडो छिराउन थाले । “ऐया, यसरी त दुख्ने रहेछ , नाई अघि जस्तै गर्नु होसन” प्रिया कराउन थाली । ” “केहि हुन्न , एक छिन त हो नि ” मैले भने र बिस्तारै चिक्न थाले । एकछिन पछि अलि स्पीडले चिक्न थाले । “ऐया , आहहह, ” प्रिया कराउन थाली । तैपनि मैले कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । केहि बेर चिके पछि , मेरो लाडोले माल झार्न लाग्यो । खै मलाई के भयो भयो मलाई लाडो झिक्नै मन लागेन र मैले मेरो माल उसको पुती भित्रै झारिदए । प्रिया सुँक्क सुँक्क गर्दै आँशु झार्न थालि । “नरोउ न, यस्तै हो अलि अलि दुख्छ । मजा आयो कि आएन , भन त?” मैले सोधे । रुञ्चे स्वरमा “मजा त धेरै आयो , तर दुखि रहेको छ । फर्स्ट टाईम हो , यस्तो मजा आउने थाहा नै थिएन” उनले भनि । “फेरि एक पटक चिकौ त , त्यसो भए” मैले सोधे । “नाई आज यतिनै , बरू अर्को पल्ट अलि धेरै चोटी गरौला नि हुन्छ ?” उनले भनि र मैले पनि “हुन्छ ” भन्दै उनलाई चुम्बन गर्न थाले । केही क्षण पछि हामी लुगा लगाएर काउन्टर तिर गए र पैसा तिरे पछि उसलाई घर छोड्न बानेश्वर तिर लागे ।

जे होस त्यो दिन चिक्न धेरै मजा आयो । टाईट पुती पनि फुटाईयो । टाईट पुती चिक्नु नै मेरो लागि स्वर्ग गए बराबर भएको थियो । फेरि पनि चिक्ने प्लान छ , चिके पछि मेरो अनुभव तपाई हरू समक्ष राख्नेछु ।

कृपया तपाईहरूको कमेण्टको आशामा छु ।


गाउँमा हुँदा दिन भरी यता उता बरालियो अनि साँझ परेपछि रक्सी भट्टी तिर छिरिन्थ्यो । हामी ४ जना साह्रै मिल्ने साथीहरूको समूह थियो । प्राय हरेक साँझ सँगै भट्टी छिर्ने र रक्सी खाई घर तिर लाग्थ्यौ । एक दिन यस्तै ६ बजे तिर सँधैको भट्टीमा छिर्यौ । १ बोतल खोया बिर्के (लोकल रक्सी) र २ प्लेट सुकुटी मगायौ । केही छिन मा एउटा केटीले हाम्रो खानेकुरा लिएर आई । यसो हेरेको केटी नयाँ देखे । पहिलो पटक उसलाई हाम्रो गाउँमा देखे । ती बहिनीले रक्सी र सुकुटी टेबलमा राखी अनि फर्की । “के हो साथी हो , नयाँ माल त दामी छ । यसो परिचय गर्नु पर्ला जस्तो छ । कि कसो ?” मैले भने । सबै जनाले “भई हाल्छ नि , पहिला यो माल चाँहि सकौन त ।” भने । अनि हामी रक्सी र सुकुटी खान थाल्यौ । “साहुनी ५ वटा चुरोट पनि पठाई दिनु न” मैले भने । एकैछिनमा फेरि त्यही बहिनी चुरोट लिएर आई । “हाम्री बहिनीलाई त आज मात्रै देखे यहाँ , घर कता पर्यो होला?” मैले सोधे । “मेरो घर झापा” उसले भनि । “अनि नाम?” मैले फेरि सोधे । “सरिता राई” उनले भनि । “कति राम्रो नाम है” मैले भने । “मान्छे नै राम्री छे , नाम पनि राम्रो हुने भई हाल्यो नि ” मेरो साथी किरणले भन्यो । “छ्या ! यो दाई त , कति जिस्काउनु भाको नि ” भन्दै सरिता लजाउँदै साहुनी भएकि तिर लागि । हामी ४ जना बिच बहिनीको कुरा हुन थाल्यो । “दुधको पोका त दामी छ यार , एक पटक माडन र चुस्न पाए त मजा आउने थियो ” साथी रमेशले भन्यो । “एक दुई दिन पर्ख न यार , त्यस पछि कसो चिक्न नपाईएला त” मैले भने अनि फेरि चुरोट सल्काएर रक्सी खान थाल्यौ । रातको १० बजि सकेछ अनि हामी उठ्यौ र पैसा तिर्न साहुनीको तिर लागे । पैसा तिरी सके पछि सबैजना त्यँहा बाट निस्केर घर तिर लाग्यौ ।

मलाई रात भरी निद्रा लागेन । वरीपरी त्यही सरितालाई देख्थे । उसको दुध चुसेको र चिकेको सम्झदै कति खेर निदाएछु थाहै भएन । बिहान उठेको त मेरो कट्टु पुरै चिसो भए जस्तो लाग्यो । यसो छामेको त कट्टु भरि माल झरि रहेको । रात भरी चिकेको सम्झँदै सुतेकोले होला, Nightfall भएछ । हतार हतार उठेर नुहाई धुवाई गरे र फेरि लागे बजार तिर साथीहरू सँग भेट्न । साथीहरू सँग पनि फेरि त्यही केटीको कुरा भयो । फेरि साँझ पर्यो , फेरि त्यही भट्टी , फेरि रक्सी र सुकुटी । यसरीनै ३-४ दिन बित्यो । एक दिन मैले रक्सी खाँदै गर्दा सरितालाई बोलाए र भने “बहिनीको बिहा भएको छ कि छैन ?” ” छैन नि दाई , किन ?” उसले सोधी । “त्यतीकै सोधेको । अनि LOVE पेरको छ कि छैन ?” मैले फेरि सोधँ । “छैन नि , तपाईसँग गर्न मिल्छ ?” उसले सोधी । म त अकमक्क परे । बहिनी त निकै चालु रहिछ जस्तो लाग्यो । मैले पनि त्यही खोजि रहेको थिए । “मिल्न त मिल्छ , तर म सँग मात्रै LOVE गरेर हुँदैन । हामी ४ जना साथीहरू सबै सँग गर्नु पर्छ । हामी ४ जना एकदम मिल्ने साथी हौ । सकिन्छ ?” “भई हाल्छ नि ।” उनले भनि । अब चाँहि चिक्न पाईएला जस्तो लाग्यो । अनि बहिनी सँग करीब १ घण्टा जति कुरा गर्यौ । कुरा गर्न त साह्रै खप्पीस रहिछ बहिनी त । मैले मेरा साथीहरूलाई बाहिर जाने ईशारा गरे र तीनैजना पिसाब फेर्ने बहाना मा बाहिर निस्के । “सरिता , यसो घुम्न जाने हो बाहिर तिर ? शीतल हावा चलिरहेको छ ।” मैले सोधे । “हुन्छ , जाउँ न ।” उनले भनि र सरिता र म बाहिर निस्कियौ । साथीहरू पनि बाहिर नै बसि रहेको रहेछन । मैले हामीले बोल्ने भाषामा भने “छप्कीलाई सैठिन परको गब्बा तिर ठेकाउछु , हेल्मेट लिएर आउनु है (केटीलाई चिक्न परको गोठमा लान्छु , कण्डोम लिएर आउनु है)” मैले भने । हामी सरासर हिँड्न थाल्यौ । गाउँको छेउमा जङ्गल थियो र त्यँहा एउटा सानो गोठ जस्तो थियो । हामी त्यहाँ पुग्यौ । “एकछिन भित्र बसौ न है ” मैले भने । “किन भित्र जाने ? यहाँनै बसौन” उनले भनि । “एक छिन मात्रै क्या ।” मैले भने । उनले केही भनिनन् र म भित्र छिरे । सरिता पनि भित्र आई । भित्र छिरे पछि मैले सरितालाई अङ्गालो हाले र गालातिर किस गर्न थाले । शुरूमा त लजाए जस्तो गरि पछि त उनले पनि किस गर्न थालि । बिस्तारै दुधको पोका माड्न थाले । गाउँको केटी हो , निलो फ्रक र आकाशे सर्ट लाएकी थिई । मैले शर्टको बटन खोले र शर्ट पुरै निकाली दिए । यसो हेरेको त ब्रा पनि लाएको रहिन छ । केटाहरूले लाउने सेन्डो भेष्ट मात्रै लाएकी रहिछ । मैले त्यो पनि खोलि दिएँ , अब उ माथी पुरै नाङ्गै थिई । लुगा खोल्दा पनि केही नभनेकोले गर्दा , सरिता भालुनै हो जस्तो लाग्यो । मलाई अझ आँट आयो र उसको फ्रक मुनी बाट उचालेर पुतीमा हात पुर्याए । कट्टु चाँहि लाएको रहेछ । कट्टु बाहिर बाटै पुती खेलाईदिन पर्यो भनेर यसो औला छिराउन खोजेको त , कट्टुको भित्र बाक्लो कुरा भेटे । “कट्टु भित्र के छ तिम्रो ?” मैले सोधे । “महिनावारी भएको छ , अनि कपडा लाएको नि ” उसले भनि । हत्त न पत्त हात हटाए । कता कता घिन लागेर आयो । फेरि सोँचे , जे सुकै होस , मुखमा आएको माल पनि छोड्छ र जस्तो लाग्यो र उसको कट्टु र फ्रक खोलि दिए । अब सरिता नाङ्गै थिई । मैले पनि सबै लुगा खोले र उसलाई भुईमा सुताए । त्यती नै बेला केटाहरू आई पुगेछन र जिब्रो पड्काएर ईशारा गरे । “एउटा हेल्मेट भित्र ठेका त (एउटा कण्डोम भित्र देउ त)” मैले भने । केटाहरूले एउटा कण्डोम भित्र फालिदियो र कण्डोम लगाएर सरिताको पुती निर मेरो लाडो लगे । “सरिता , तिमीले पहिला पनि चिकीसकेको हो ?” मैले सोँधे । “२ चोटी मेरो LOVE परेको केटा सँग गरेको । तर मलाई छोडेर अर्कै केटीसँग बिहा गरि सक्यो ।” उनले भनि । मेरो लाडो उसको पुतीमा छिराए । “तपाईको त कति मोटो र लामो रहेछ । भित्र दुखे जस्तो भयो , अलि बिस्तारै गर्नु ल ।” उनले भनि । “तिम्रो पहिलाको केटाको चाँहि कत्रो थियो नि ” मैले सोधे । “तपाईको भन्दा त साह्रै सानो हो ।” उनले भनि । मैले उनलाई धमाधम चिक्न थाले । महिनावारी भएको पुती पनि चिकिन्दै थियो आज । उ पनि चिकाउन निकै सिपालु रहिछ । मुनी बाट कण्डो उचाली उचाली मलाई चिक्न सघाउँदै थिई । “अलि कस्सेर गर्नु न , अलि भित्र सम्म ठेल्नु न । एकदम मजा आयो आज । मेरो केटालाई त चिक्नै नआउने रहेछ । तपाईले मजाले चिक्नु हुने रहेछ । अझै , अझै , कस्सेर , आहहहह , ओहहहहहहहहहह, शशशशश………..” सरिता निकै ईमोशनमा कराउन थालि । मलाई पनि चिक्न मजा आई रहेको थियो । रक्सी खाएकोले गर्दा होला , माल झर्ने कुनै छाँटकाँट नै थिएन । गर्मीको मौसममा चिक्दा पसिनै पसिना भई सकेको थिए । एकछिन आराम गरेर फेरी सरिताको पुतीमा लाँडो हालेर हल्लिन थाले । भए भरको बल लगाएर कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । उसको पुतीले धेरै पानी फालेकोले गर्दा होला , चिक्दा खेरि “फ्याच्च , फ्याच्च , प्याच्च , प्याच्च” आवाज आई रहेको थियो । करी १५-२० मिनेट जति चिके पछि मेरो माल झर्ला जस्तो भयो , र झन कस्सी कस्सी चिक्न थाले । “आहहह, आहहहह, आहहहह” सरिता कराउँदै थिई । अन्तिम धक्का कस्सेर दिए, मेरो लाँडोले पनि माल झार्यो । म पुरै थाकेको थिए । शिथील भएर उसको माथी बसि रहे । “मजा आयो दाई आज , फेरि चिक्नु न एक पटक ” सरिता भन्दै थिई । “म धेरै थाके , मेरो साथीलाई पठाई दिन्छु ल । हुन्छ ?” मैले सोधे । ” नाई हुन्न । तपाईलाई पो चिक्न दिएको त । मलाई तपाई एकदम मन पर्छ त्यसैले ।” “अघि ४ जना सँगै LOVE गर्छु भनेको होईन?” मैले सोधेँ । सरिता केहि पनि बोलिनन । “प्लिज , आज एक चोटि मात्रै नि ल । त्यस पछि तिमी र म मात्रै गर्ने नि , हुन्छ ?” मैले भने । उनले “हुन्छ । तर आज एक चोटी मात्रै नि ल ।” भनि । म लुगा लाएर बाहिर निस्के अनि किरणलाई भने “किरण तँ जा , तेरो पाली । तर बिस्तारै चिक है त । माल दामी छ । चिक्न बवाल मजा आउँछ । पछि पछि पनि चिक्नु पर्छ , माया गरेर चिक है । धेरै जबरजस्ती नगरी चिक है ।” किरणले “हुन्छ ” भन्दै सरितालाई चिक्न गयो । बाहिर सब केटाहरू लाडोमा कण्डोम लगाएर तयार भएर बसि रहेका थिए । १ घण्टा सम्ममा हामी ४ जनाले चिकी सक्यौ । सबैजना दङ्ग थिए । सबैजना ले चिक्न मजा आयो भन्दै थिए । त्यस पछि मैले सरितालाई सोधे “कस्तो भयो ?” उनले भनि “रमाईलो भयो , मजा आयो । आज पहिलो पटक ४ जना सँग यसरी गरियो । तर जे होस मजा आयो , अलि पुती दुखि रहेको छ ।” मैले १००/- रुपैया उसको हातमा दिए र “नदुख्ने दबाई किनेर खानु नि ल ।” भने । “हुन्छ ” उसले भनि र उसलाई पुर्याईदिन हामी त्यहाँ बाट हिड्यौ । बाटो भरि उसको दुध माड्दै गए ।


कुरा आजभन्दा करिब १५ वर्षको हो । त्यतिबेलामा म जम्मा १५ वर्षको थिएँ । म मामाघरमा गएको थिएँ । त्यतिबेलामा मेरी कान्छिसानिमा २3 वर्षको र विवाह गरेको थिएन । र सानिआमा मेरो बहिनी जन्मेको बेलामा दिदीलाइ सुत्केरी स्याहार्नको लागि भनेर पहाड रामेछापबाट हाम्रो घर पनौतीमा आउनुभयो । अनि मलाइ खाना खुवाउने देखि स्कुल पठाउने सम्मका सबैकाम उहाँलेनै गर्नुहुन्थ्यो । पहिला मेरो सानिमाको बारेमा केही कुरा गरों उहाँ एकदमै मोटी हुनुहुन्थ्यो मानौ उहाँको छाती एकदम ठूलो थियो अनि मान्छेचाँही अलि होची हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ हिड्दा अलि नसुहाउने देखिन्थ्यो । तरपनि उहाँको अनुहार भने एकदम राम्रो थियो गोरी हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।
एकदिन मलाइ खाना दिएर सानिमा कता जानुभयो । म खाना खाइसकेपछि हतार हतार स्कुलजानलाइ पाइन्ट लगाउन लागेको थिए मलाइ पिसाब लाग्यो म हतार हतार करेसामा गएर पिसाब फेर्न थालेँ । म एकदम झस्के जब देखेँ कि मैले पिसाब फेरेको मेरो सानिमाले हेरी राख्नुभएको रहेछ मेरो मुख रातो भयो उहाँले गधा तलाइ लाज लाग्दैन भन्नुभयो । मैले गल्ती भयो बुबाको अगाडी नभन्नु है भने उहाँले मैले भनेको मान्ने हो भने भन्दिन्न भन्नुभयो मैले हुन्छ भने र स्कुल गएँ स्कुलबाट आएपछि खाजा खाए मैले सानिमाको मुख हेर्न सकिन लाजले र आफ्नो काम गर्न थाले । त्यो दिन त्यतिकै गयो पर्सीपल्ट शनिबारको दिन थियो र बुबा खेतमा जानुभएको थियो र त्यो दिन ४ गते पनि परेको थियो आमा भाइलाइ खोप लगाउन स्वास्थ्य चौकीमा जानुभएको थियो । घरमा म र सानिमा मात्र हुनुहुन्थ्यो र सानिमाले मलाइ बोलाउनुभयो र भन्नुभयो बाबु माथि आउ र म पनि माथि चोटामा गएँ र सानिमाले भन्नुभयो बाबु मलाइ जिउ दुख्यो अलिकति तेल लगाइदेउन भन्नुभयो र नुहाउन लागेको जस्तो पेटिकोटमा मात्र हुनुहुँदो रहेछ र मलाइ हिजोको कुरा सम्झेर डर लागिराको थियो र आज्ञाकारी बालक जस्तो हुन्छ भनेर तेल लगाइदिन थाले उहाँले अगाडीपनि तेल लगाइदेउ बाबु भन्नुभयो र मैले हुन्छ भनेर अगाडी पनि तेल लगाइदिन थालेँ। तेल लगाइदिने क्रममा ढाडमा लगाइसकेपिछ उहाँले अगाडी पनि भन्नुभयो मलाइ लाज लागेर आयो र अगाडी पनि भनेँ उहाँले हो भन्नुभयो र विस्तारै अगाडी पनि तेल लगाइदिन थाले उहाँले पेटिकोट तल सानुर्भयो मलाइ अस्सह्य भए र आयो तै पनि केही गर्ने आँट आएन र मालिस गरिदिदैँ गए मालिस गरिदिँदा उहाँ त झन आनन्द मानेर पो बस्नुभयो । उहाँले अलि तल पनि मालिस गरिदे बाबु भन्नुभयो मैले हुन्छ भनेर मालिस गर्दै जाँदा म सानिमाको ठ्याक्कै योनिमा पुँगे पुरा जंगल रैछ मैले केटीको योनि पहिलो पल्ट छोएको मलाइ सार्है अर्कै के के छोए जस्तो भयो तर उहाँले मेरो हात च्याप्नुभयो उहाँको खुट्टाले मलाइ पनि आनन्द आयो र उहाँको योनि चलाइदिए बिस्तारै उहाँ जुरूक्क उठेर बस्नुभयो मलाइ डर लाग्यो तर उहाँले मलाइ अंगालो हाल्नुभयो मेरो गाला टोकिदिनुभयो । मैले यो भन्दा अगाडी कुनै केटीलाइ चिकेको थिएन तर चिकेको देखेको थिएँ । उहाँले मलाइ ब्लाउज खोलेर बाबु बु बु खा भन्नुभयो आह उहाँको दुध सार्हैठूला थिए लगभग सिरानी पुग्ने र च्याप्प समाते उहाँले आ……………हा…………………आउच्…………… भन्नथाल्नुभयो र पछि म पनि उहाँको दुध चुसिदिन थाँले त्यतिबेला मैले सानैमा एउटा यौन उपन्यास पढेको थियँ । मलाइ पनि मज्जा आउन थाल्यो र त्यो बेलामा सानिमाले सोध्नुभयो बाबु तैले कसैलाइ यसरी चिकेको थिइस् भनेर मैले छैन भने…………. ल त्यसो भए आज मलाइ चिक है भन्नुभयो मलाइ पनि के खोज्छस् कानो आँखो भनेझैं भयो र हुन्छ भने र दुध जति चुस्यो त्यती सानीआमाले मलाइ नजिक तान्न थाल्नुभयो । र बिस्तारै म पनि तल सर्दै जान थाले जब म पेटिकोट नेर पुँगे उहाँको पेटिकोटको इजार फुकालेर पेटीकोट तलसाँरे म हेरेको हेर्यै भए । सायद मैले पहिला कुनै केटीको पुती त्यसरी नदेखेकोले हुनसक्छ म सार्है अत्तालिएँ र च्याप्पै उहाँको त्यो भुत्लामा हात राँखे उहाँले आखाँ चिम्लिनुभयो र कम्मर उठाउनुभयो र म पनि मज्जाले उहाँको योनी चलाउन थालेँ र त्यहाँबाट र पानीपो आयो मलाइ अचम्म लाग्यो र भनेँ सानिमा तपाइले किन मुतेको उहाँले यो मुतेको होइन मोरा यो त यस्तै हुन्छ भन्नुभयो र यसो गनुर्पछ भनेर मेरो लाँडो बाहिर निकाल्नुभयो मेरो लाँडो सानो भएपनि मोटो थियो र उहाँले व हो कत्ति मोटो भन्नुभयो यति भनुन्जेलसम्म मेरो लाँडो पहिलानै ठन्कीसकेको थियो । उहाँले मेरो लाडो चुस्न थाल्नुभयो मलाइ त उँडु की के गर्रो भयो र यो भन्दा पहिला मैले एकचोटी हस्ते हानेको थिएँ र म एकदम छिटो मेरो लाँडोबाट तातो पिच्करा……. छुट्यो र म गलेँ उहाँले सफासँग चाटीदिनुभयो र मलाइ पनि उहाँको योनी चाट भन्नुभयो सुरूमा त घिन लागेर आयो तर पुती चिक्न पाउने आशले उहाँको पुती चाट्न थालेँ मैले र उहाँले मेरो लाडो चलाउन छोड्नुभएन मैले जति चाट्दै जान थाले उहाँले त्यती मेरो मुन्टो उहाँको तिघ्राले च्याप्न थाल्नुभयो र मैले पनि असाध्यै मज्जाले चाटिदिएँ । त्यो बेलामा उहा आ………………………………उ……………………………….अ…………………इ……………… भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो । र सँगसङ्गै मेरो लाडोले पनि फेरी आकार लिन थाल्यो र त्यो बेलामा उहाँलाइ अस्सह्य भएछ र बाबु अब मलाइ चिक भन्नुभयो मैले एकछिन न कस्तो मज्जा आउँदैछ भने र फेरी चाट्न थालेँ । अ…हा…….ऊ…………… च…………………. गरी कराउन थाल्नुभयो र उहाँ आफै आएर मेरो लाडो समातेर मलाइ खाटमा सुताउनुभयो र आफैले मेरो लाँडोको टुप्पोलाइ आफ्नो पुतीको मुखमा राखेर बिस्तारै बस्नुभयो म माथि अलिकित मात्र छिर्यो र एय्या भन्नुभयो र उहाँ सुत्नुभयो र म माथि बाट आएर बस्तार फेरी पुतीको मुखमै राखेर बिस्तारै धक्का दिएँ यसपाली अलि बढी बाढी आएको रहेछ भित्रबाट फुत्तै भित्र छिर्यो र उहाँले अलि बिस्तार दुख्छ भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो । मैलेपनि हवस भनेर बिस्तार गर्न थाले र अब उहाँलाइ पनि पिडा हराएछ जस्तो छ कम्मर उचाल्न थाल्नुभयो र मैले पनि जोडले भित्र बाहिर गराउन थालेँ त्यो बेलामा उहाँको मुख बाट उफ्…………………आ……………………आउच…………………………….. अलि सार्हो जस्ता शब्द निस्कदै थियो मलाइ १० मिनेटपछि भत्रैदेखि केही कुरा खस्न लागेको जस्तो भयो र मैले भित्रै भित्तामा पुग्ने गरी झड्का दिए उहाँलेनि मलाइ बेस्कन च्याप्नुभयो । र मेरो माल उहाँको पुतीभित्रै खस्यो यति हुन २ घण्टा लाग्यो र हामीले हतार हतार लुगा लगायौ र सानिमाले मलाइ म्वाइँ खानुभयो र मैलेपनि आज उहाँको बिहे भैकनपनि उहाँको २ वटा छोराछोरी भैसके र आजपनि हामी मौका मिलेपछि चिकी हाल्छौ ………………………

मगरनीको पुती चिक्ने भएर फोकटमा १५,०००/- जरिमाना

यस ब्लगका नियमित पाठक श्री सागर श्रेष्ठ जी बाट प्राप्त वँहाको जीवनको घटना मैले यँहा प्रस्तुत गरेको छु । सागरजीलाई धेरै धेरै धन्यबाद । भविष्यमा पनि यस्ता रचनाहरूको आशा गरेको छु ।

म भर्खर १६ बर्षको थिए , कक्षा ९ मा पढ्दै थिए । शनिवारको दिन म सँधै गोठालो जान्थे , किन भने शनिवार सबैजना घरमा ब्यस्त हुन्थे । एक दिनको कुरा हो , म गोठाला जाँदा खेरि एक जना मगरनी केटी पनि गएकी थिई । पहिला देखिनै देखेको तर त्यति धेरै बोलेको थिईन । हामी गोठालो जाँदा उसको भैसीले राँगा खोजेको रहेछ । मेरो राँगाले उसको भैसीलाई हाम्रै अगाडी लामो लाँडो निकालेर चिक्न थाल्यो । उसलाई लाज लागेछ र मुण्टो निहुराएर बसी रहि । अनि मैले सोधे “के भयो ? लाज लाग्यो हो?” उसले लजाउँदै “होईन” भनी । फेरि २-३ पटक जति चिकेको हेर्दा उसको पुतीबाट त पानी पो बग्न थाली सकेको रहेछ । मैले त्यती वास्ता गर्दिन थिए , किन भने म कहिले काँही चिकुवा फिल्म हेर्थे । त्यही भएर मलाई चाँहि सामान्य जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । त्यस पछि म चाँहि यसो मास्तिर गुलेली हान्न गाको त उसले त आफ्नो फ्रक खोली ओरी आफ्नो औला आफ्नै पुतीमा छिराउँदै रहिछ । मैले हेरि राखे , शायद उसले मैले हेरी रहेको देखेकी थिईन होला । एक छिन पछि म उसको छेउमा गए र “के गरेको?” भनेको त उ डराएर हतार हतार आफ्नो कपडा लगाउन थाली । अनि मैले भने “त्यो राँगा र भैसीले जस्तै गर्ने हो ?” उसले त सजिलै “हुन्छ” भनि । त्यस पछि मैले उसलाई चिक्न खोजेको त उसले मलाई “खै भैसी र राँगाले जस्तो गरेको?” अनि मैले भने “त्यही त गर्न लागेको नि ।” उसले भनि “राँगाले त पहिला भैसीको पुती चाटेको थियो ।“ मैले उसको कुरा बुझे र यसो पुती चाट्नलाई हेरेको त उसको पुती त बर्खाको हिलो बाटो जस्तो भएको रहेछ , पानी पानी । केही बेर उसको पुती चाटे र मेरो लाडो पनि चुस्न लगाए । मेरो लाडो चुसाउँदा मैले अलि बल गरेर ठेली दिएको त उ खोक्न थाली । “ल , अब चिकौ है त” भनेर उसलाई चिक्न थाले । पानी धेरै आयो भने त चिक्न पनि मजा हुने रहेछ । उसलाई मजाले चिके र चिक्दा चिक्दै मेरो फुँसी चाहि उसको मुखमा झारिदिए । मजाले “कति मिठो” भन्दै उसले फुँसी खान थाली । केहि बेर पछि “अब जाउँ” भन्दै भैसी र राँगा खोज्न थाल्यौ । हाम्रो राँगा र भैसीले छिमेकीको सबै धान खाईदेएर खत्तम पारेछ । मगरनीको पुती चिक्ने भएर फोकटमा १५,०००/- जरिमाना तिर्न पर्यो ।


मेरो सुहागरात

मैले करिब् १५ बर्षको उमेर बाट छोल्न सुरु गरेको हुँ । केटीको नांगो फोटो हेर्दै छोल्दै गर्थे । पछी राती राती घरमा लुकेर ब्लु फिल्म हेर्दै दिन थाले । म धेरै नबोल्ने खाल्को भएको ले चिक्न को लागि केटी पाउन असम्भव भएकोले हात ले नै काम चलाऊदै अाइ रहेको थिए । सत्ताइस बर्षमा मेरो बिहे हुँदा म भर्जिन भये पनि ब्लु फिल्म हेरेर कसरी चिक्नु पर्छ भन्ने बारेमा प्रसस्त ज्ञान हासिल गरिसकेको थिए । असाध्ये सेक्सी राम्री केटी पाएर मक्ख परे पनि अली अली नर्वस थिए । मेरो स्वास्नि त चिक्ने मामिला मा त म भन्दा पनि झनै अनादी रैचे । उस्ले त चिक्ने भनेको लाडो पुती म हालेर नचलाई कन राखे पछी केही छिन् पछी आँफै फुसी झर्छ भन्ने सोचे कि रैचे । बिहे को पहिलो रात गफ गरियो अरु केही गरिएन । किस सम्म नगरि पहिलो रात बिताइयो । पहिलो रात मेरो लाडो ठन्केर साह्रै दु:ख दिये पनि सहेर रात काटे । केही बर्ष बच्चा नपाउने सल्लाह भएको ले भोली पल्ट जिन्दगी मा पहिलो पल्ट नजिकै को मेडिकल मा कन्डम किने । आज राती चाँही नचिकी नछोड्ने भये । बेड मा सुते पछी बुडिको दुध माड्न थाले । उ इमोसन मा अाइ । पेन्टी सहित् सबै लुगा खोली उस्को टिसी र पुती हात ले खेलाई दिए। उस्को पुती बाट पानी झर्न थाल्यो। मेरो लाडो ठन्केर काठ जस्तो सारो भएको थियो। मैले लाडो मा कन्डम फिट गरेर उस्लाई उत्तानो पारेर पुती मा लाडो छिराउन खोजेको त दुख्यो भन्न थालि। तै पनि सहेर मेरो लाडो को धक्का सहन थालि। सुरु मा आधा लाडो मात्र छिराएर बिस्तारै भित्र बाहिर गर्न थाले । उस्लाई दुखाइ पनि मजा पनि हुन थालेछ । एकै छिन्मा झरी हाल्यो। त्यो पहिलो रात २ पटक चिकियो। मेरो लाडो को टुप्पो को छाला पहिलो पटक फर्केको ले हल्का पिडा भये पनि समग्र मा सुहाग रात को मज्जा लिए।
Excepting technical traffic-related problems such as scarcity of parking lots and dysfunctional traffic lights and zebra crossings, fixing which is the responsibility of other government organs, the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD), has achieved something to be proud about in the last four months.Kathmandu has seen a speedy growth in vehicles with the increase in population as well as urban mobilization, which in turn result the high traffic volumes. To overcome this situation, strict rules are to be made and good cooperation and good will with public should be encouraged. Traffic drives including declaration of Ring Road as a no-parking zone, behavioural training for all traffic police personnel, increased surveillance and fixed pick-up and drop stations for public vehicles have proved milestones in mitigating traffic woes in the Valley. Besides, minor events such as raising public awareness on traffic rules and increasing the density of traffic police along the inner road networks have eased traffic problems.The biggest campaign of ours—clearing Ring Road of parked vehicles—has received positive feedback from all quarters. Having taken the circular road in control, we have been able to reduce traffic problems in inner road networks too.Traffic rules have to be enforced. Areas which are not meant to be parked should be clearly prescribed. The biggest obstacle faced by traffic management is road encroachment too either by foot-path vendors or vehicles parked on the road. To mitigate this hackneyed system transparent authority and control is essential.espite successful execution of the campaign, we have been criticised for implementing, what many say, “a step taken without enough study”. But this is not the case. Considering the traffic management structure, the entire responsibility does not lie with the MTPD. As a unit that enforces the laws and regulations made by other important stakeholders, we are responsible only for the management of vehicles on the roads.Other responsibilities such as allotting parking spaces and maintaining traffic lights and zebra crossings are those of the Department of Transport Management (DoTM), Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) and the Department of Roads (DoR). While other stakeholders are working the least, all the blame comes, most often, to us.As a traffic official, I have identified road encroachment as the single largest hurdle in managing traffic in the Valley. Be it encroachment by footpath vendors or vehicles parked on the road, the problem is immense.Our efforts to clear footpaths in places such as Ratna Park and Sundhara have helped cut the number of major accidents and eased traffic jams. The MTPD is working to clear footpaths at other places too.Imparting behavioural training to traffic personnel—another move launched three weeks ago—is also expected to improve the public-police relation. As part of this effort, celebrities, lawyers, musicians, writers and peopale from other walks of life have been interacting with the personnel at MTPD everyday.Despite their good work, we have realised, the behaviour of traffic police with the public is not satisfactory on many occasions. Therefore, we decided to teach some clemency to police personnel. We aim to train 1,050 traffic personnel from all 28 MTPD sectors in this process.Lastly, in order to bring the traffic situation under our control, it is extremely important that all stakeholders—MTPD, DoTM, KMC and DoR—work in tandem. Apart from this, education on traffic system, its problems and solutions should be imparted right from the school level. Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.     
 Kathmandu is a vibrant capital city of Nepal. So controlling all its systematic structure including traffic system is not an easy task. Likewise, traffic management should need to be more systematic for smooth and safe flow of traffic. Lastly, it goes without saying that unless and until the behavioral training to traffic personnel is not imparted, no good result can be expected. Apart from this, strict traffic rules, impartial judgment, public awareness and cooperation, confronting the scarcity of parking lots, etc. are resourcefulness acts that can overcome the traffic problems faced by public and traffic personnel.